

An archive of permalinks
to projects & happenings

initiated or co-hosted

by distortion, human,

nusnus, animal,

karrusel etc.

When it's good we call it

Reality Always Wins,

Good Luck.







Distortion Street Party // official Street 2024 aftermovie

Distortion Ø // official Ø 2024 aftermovie

Distortion X // official X 2024 aftermovie

Disto 2024 Nørrebro // tdf report on fb

Karrusel 2024 // tdf report on fb

Karrusel 2024 // official aftermovie

Kaleido 2024 // tdf fb report


BIG HQ Opening by NusNus Agency // tdf fb report

Distortion Street Party 2023 // ActionHygge aftermovie

Distortion Ø // official Ø 2023 aftermovie

Distortion X // official X 2023 aftermovie

Karrusel 2023 // official video & pics gallery

Disto 2023 // tdf fb report

Disto 2023 // big tdf fb recap



WATERFEST 2022 // new dødsning minifestival @ Havnefesten (death diving)

Karrusel 2022 // video & photos


Corona-Rebellion @Hangaren

Corona-Creativity @Karrusel

Corona-Freedom @Hangaren

Corona-sadness @Office

Hangaren // new nightclub & venue
opens during Corona break
summer 2021


Eternal Sunday - DISTORTION 2020

Eternal Sunday - Corona campaign


New Venue: Hallen i Skoven // this became Hangaren nightclub in 2021

Distortion 2019 // 29 May - 2 June

PwC Sommerfest // 13. Sept. 2019

Karrusel 2019 // 30-31 August


photo book, medails, videos, manifest...


Distortion 2017 // 31 May - 4 June

Copenhagen 850 // 850-års-dagen for Københavns grundliggelse
for Københavns Kommune & Kulturkvarteret & Golden Days.

Karrusel 2017 // 7-9 September


Animal Communication // new website (Sept.2016)

Distortion 2016 // 1-5 June

Karrusel 2016 // 8-10 September


Distortion 2015 // 2-6 June

Folkefest på Slotsholmen // en hyldest til 100-års-dagen for Grundloven af 1915 på Christiansborg Slot, bestilt af Folketinget. 8 scener, 15.000+ gæster (5.June 2015)

Karrusel 2015 // 3-5 September


Distortion 2014 // 4-8 June

Wilhelm Scenen = Klassisk Distortion 2014 // NILS FRAHM LIVE

Karrusel 2014 // 4-6 September


Distortion 2013 // 29 May - 2 June - good reportage

Havefest 2013 // Amagerfælled Garden Party, September

Fonden Distortion København // March 2013


DISTORTION POP-UPS // mobile party magic.(30.May-3.June.12)

 // Fantastic reportage.(30.May-3.June.12)

Zulu hacking // Hacking the largest pop-culture award ceremony in Denmark (Sat.8.March.12)

human office - holding // new website

Animal Communication // new website

Nus/Nus // new website


Monki // openeing event Flagship Store Strøget (Sept. 2011)

// Oh shit!! Oh well.
legendary clip!! (1-5 June 2011)

Hello Malmö // Folkets Park + Far I Hatten. Thank you Mattias FullPull (Sat.21.May.11)

Hello Oslo // Afternoon bus party Oslo + champagne fishing + afterparty at Blå. Thank you Gaute Oslo Live (Mon.16.May.11)

Hello Berlin // Vodka fishing in the canal with Smirnoff, afterparty at Stattbadt Wedding with Live Mixtape by Michael Mayer (Sat.14.May.11)

LIVE MIXTAPE 2011 // New Entertainment Format


New Media Days 2010 & SXSW // Reception, Award Ceremony & Party at Elefanten, Carlsberg for SXSW (Tue.9.Nov.10)

Carlsberg in the Dark // Kulturnat event for Visit Carlsberg. (Fri.15.Okt.10)

Vi KBH'R // For Kbh Kommune på DR Koncerthuset (Sat.18.Sep.10)

>> DISTORTION 2010 // Probably the best distortion year in the world @Carlsberg (2-6.Jun.10) <<

Copenhagen Photo Festival - Opening Reception // Distortion team designed & hosted an opening reception for the brand new Copenhagen 

Photo Festival (Wed.12.May.10)

Sticker Licker 2010 // Annual Distortion street & body campaign (8.May.10)

Launch Party i Klimafængslet // ActionHygge.com Party #1: Raving the Klimafængslet clean of bad vibes. (Sat.6.Mar.10)

ActionHygge.com Launch
 V.2.0 // Copenhagen is FINE RAW HOT again. Thank you rent-a-coder and Muhlad in Pakistan. (Fri.5. Mar.2010)


Distortion Aperitif // Unofficial launch DR KoncertHus

Earth Journalism Awards // DR Concert Hall for Internews Europe (Mon.14.Dec.09)

Raverbus to Total 10 afterparty // Distortion Raverbus, afterparty shuttle from Total 10 to afterparty for Kompakt, Cologne (Fri.14.Aug.09).

Europareise Partybus to C-O-POP 2009
 // Distortion Raverbus to Danish Entourage party, for MXD at C-O-POP, Köln (Thu.13.Aug.09).

Pool Party at Sonar 2009 // Arranged by Tomas Barfod, thank you MXD (Sat.20.Jun.09).

DISTORTION 2009 // 66 parties, 39.850 people in 5 days. The 2010 trailer is a superb little documentary filmed in 2009 (3-7 Jun.09).

Trash Limo R.I.P. // Our limousine is dead. Her Memory Lives on. (Jan.2009)


Sensation 2008 Copenhagen // PR, Marketing, Glamour Area with Neon. (Sat.15.Nov.08) 

Balloons, Tits and Limousines // Promotion Campaign (Fri.24&Sat.25.Okt.08) 

Stubnitz 2008 // The party boat is back - for 5 weeks of concerts and parties curated by Jazz Klub Loco and Distortion (23.Jun-26.Jul.08) 

Actionhygge #03 // actionhygge hosts the big dinner party at Final Party Distortion 2008. thank you Nanna & V1 (Sat.7.Jun.08) 

// 56 parties, 31.600 people in 5 days, Sunday afterparty. (4-8 June)

LIMO & TRAILER // actionhygge party #02 is launch party for the "Trash Limo" and the "Trailer Disco" 

Tiger PartyParty
 // Mads Nørgaard Copenhagen #02 & Floor Wars #04 make a very good start for 2008 on the Tiger Party Party page (Jan-Feb-Mar.08) 

The Copenhagen Post // after exactly 10 years, the human office ends its weekly Guide & Production work for The Copenhagen Post (1.Mar.08) 

actionhygge.com // the "human circles" list of human infomail become "human army" = Copenhagen's FINE RAW HOT action website goes live with 3.600 members (16.Feb.08)

Human Office // new website

Nus/Nus // new website


actionhygge.com launch party // Kødbyen becomes a creative district of Copenhagen. We were hired officially as consultants by the City Council and made this party as a little pre-launch. (08.Dec.07)

REALITY ROCKS '07 // Dox-Distortion, the party marathon within the fabulous CPH:DOX festival, is now renamed to 'Reality Rocks' (1-17.Nov.07) 

Liquid Chain Party // FOS Book Release Party at Indre By Medborgerhus (15.Sept.07) 

Distortion Animal Tour @ C/O Pop // German electronic pop festival invites 10 leading European festivals to do their thing. We killed. (17.Aug.07) 

RRR #01 // Roskilde Renegade Rave #01 = Roskilde Festival camping area (wed.4.july.07)

Nus/Nus // the human office sets up a new ApS company to overtake the human infomail network and the Distortion festival (June-Nov.07)

Party Party Website // New TigerBeer party website: product placement + web-design+ cultural branding (launched in June.07) 

DISTORTION 2007 // The Block Party year, a turning point in Distortion history: over 10.000 guests !! (30.May-3.June.07)

Playstation 3 Launch // "This Is Living" party with many PS3 lounges & dancefloor at Hotel Fox + rave at Pressen, Town Hall Square (17.Mar.07)

NATFILM Festival Party // Closing Galla Party for Denmark's largest film festival, at Grand Teatret (31.Mar.07)

Ungdomshuset Human Statement// the human office is non-political, until it becomes humanly unacceptable (9.mar.07)

Vice Party
 // Vice party at the Copenhagen Fashion Week, at The Rock. (9.Feb.07)

Sweat'n'Tears - Sidste Lørdag med kliken // Monthly club in partnership with Club Loco & Copeland, at Stengade30 (Jan-May.07)

IN&OUT - The Copenhagen Post Guide// weekly editing & production of 16 pages of guide for The Copenhagen Post (Jan-Dec.07)


Nus/Nus // name and concept founded, originally intended for a project in Valencia on Vesterbrogade 34 (Nov.06)

Dox-Distortion '06
 // all events during CPH:DOX 2006, curated & promoted by Distortion (9-18.Nov.06)

Champagne & HotDogs // Champagne og Pølser, for Copenhagen Music Week & MTV EMA 06 (Oct-Nov.06) 

Stubnitz '06 // Distortion curates 31 parties in 31 days on  Stubnitz (6.July-6.Aug.06)

DISTORTION 2006 // crazy year (31.May-4.June.06)

Vice Party // Fashion Week event at ZumBiergarten (10.Feb.07)

Hotel Pro Forma Party // Opening party for Algebra Of Place by Hotel Pro Forma, at ZumBier (4.Feb.06)

IN&OUT - The Copenhagen Post Guide // weekly editing & production of 16 pages of guide for The Copenhagen Post (Jan-Dec.06)


Dox-Distortion '05 // Super collaboration between Distortion and CPH:DOX (Nov.05)

PSP Launch // PlayStation Portable Launch party on a rooftop with free Limousine service, at A-Huset (26.Aug.05) 

Vice Party // Fashion Week summer Vice party on a (windy) beach and two boats on Holmen (5.Aug.05) 

PPP #06 // Pirate Party Pack #06 = Flintholm >> Dronning Tværgade parkeringsplads >> too many grafitti = P.P.P.R.I.P. (29.july.05)

PPP #05 // Pirate Party Pack #05 = 3-hour surprise rave on a boat (preparty to DDD05 Final Party, 4.june.05)

DISTORTION 2005 // with BPitchCtrl & Optimo & Solid Water & ElectroGoGo & Kitsuné & La Johnson, Royal Theatre (1-4.June.05)

La Fête de l'Institut // design, promotion, production of French-Danish festival to launch the new Institut Francais de CopenhagueFrench Embassy (29-30.Apr.05)

Project Fox // curator & network & promotor for all party activities for the Fox Project, world launch of the new VW Fox car (2-23.Apr.05)

NATFILM // scouting, booking, promotion, production for Copenhagen's biggest and best film festival (Mar-Apr.05) 

PPP #04 // Pirate Party Pack #04 = The Barn on Amager Strand (12.Mar.05)

PPP #03 // Pirate Party Pack #03 = Backdoor Action @ Kat (28.Jan.05)

IN&OUT - The Copenhagen Post Guide // weekly editing & production of 12 pages of guide for The Copenhagen Post (Jan-Dec.05) 

Vice Launch Party // Launch Party for Vice Magazine Scandinavia, with M.I.A., Selfish Cunt, Diplo, Stahlwerk at Halvandet (11.Feb.05).
"Go Woke, Go Broke" guys.


Dox-Distortion '04// New partnership CPH:DOX & Distortion (4-13.Nov.04)

PPP #02 // Pirate Party Pack #02 = Gaza Plads >> Arne Jacobsens parkeringsplads Dronningens Tværgade (Oct.04)

PPP #01 // Pirate Party Pack #01 = Rococo Rave @ Dronningens Tværgade 123 tank - (11.Sept.04)

Bobbler 2005 // Mads Nørgaard social fashion happening, at Café Europa 1989 and in the toilets under Storkspringvandet (fashion week, Aug.04) 

DISTORTION 2004 // The double-bus-double-boat-choreography year, with colette, D-I-R-T-Y, Simian Mobile Disco, Superflex... final party in Silo (2-6.June.04) 

Bloc Party Afterparty
 // for Bloc Party & Interpol at Stereobar with Kjeld Tolstrup & We Got Beef (??.2004)

IN&OUT - The Copenhagen Post Guide
 // Weekly editing & production of 12 pages of guide for The Copenhagen Post (Jan-Dec.04) 

Københavnerprisen 2003 - DADA is alive // We hosted a dadaist performance at the very last Nat&Dag Københavnerpris (24.Jan.04)

human website v.2004 // flash sucks, .gifs rock.


DISTORTION 2003 // the first turning point: Kjeld Tolstrup said it was the best party he played in 10 years. Distortion's very first international bookings: TTC, Feadz, Superpitcher. Pre-party in bus and boat - then Final party at Halvandet:
After 5 years, Distortion became legend in the
social art & rave underground (28-1.June.03)

The Rapture Afterparrty
 // for The Rapture & Fat Truckers at Stereobar with Tam Tam (?? 2003)

TimeOut & BBC & CondéNast & Canal+ & British Airways Go // between 1998-2003, human office & team produced more articles & reviews about Copenhagen culture than anyone else in the world. 

IN&OUT - The Copenhagen Post Guide // weekly editing & production of 8 pages of guide for The Copenhagen Post (Jan-Dec.03)

Punk Royal 2-year party
// our first "event" for a commercial customer: amazing night. It was the highlight of the Copenhagen Fashion Week. Gossip rumor was that Helena Christensen & Nikolaj Lie-Kaas were secretly kissing in a corner (7.Aug.03) 

Club Wagadudu
 // 7 parties in a year, was our first "club" (Aug.02-Aug.03)


DISTORTION 2002-1998 // "Distortion - a Celebration of Copenhagen Nightlife" was born as a 1-day festival in Mantra (underneath Tivoli) on a Thursday in September 1998 and pulled ca 300 guests - featuring videos by FOS & Tal R + DJ Master Fatman + street-jembe by some crazy bare-torso dude from Strøget + a tacky kinky latex erotica show + a female drum'n'bass guest-dj from NYC + DJ Kong + DJ Colonel + DJs Aaron&Dennis + 600 free Absolut vodka shots + we crashed a pre-party in a Burger King with a Gramse Spektrum record release + planned an afterparty in a Bodega on Skindergade... In 1999 we hosted one-day minifestival Distortion events in Mantra and in the Henning Larsen buildings (then: Unibank-Nordea) on Christiansbro in Christianshavn, headlining Kjeld Tolstrup.
Distortion became a 5-day mobile festival in June 2000.
Our very first official street event, the Fuckers & Truckers bus, had 62 guests, preparty to the first Final Party at Basecamp, Holmen with Jean von Baden.

HUMAN INFOMAIL // in Nov.01, we dropped the RCBF NetTV show and turned into a FINE-RAW-HOT newsletter, mailing out to the “37 Amigos”.

RCBF - Reality Can Be Fun
 // Weekly Internet TV show, live,
15minutes of FINE-RAW-HOT Copenhagen culture,
every Friday on Superchannel.org

The Copenhagen Post - In&Out Guide // Thomas Dalvang Fleurquin helped establish national weekly newspaper The Copenhagen Post (Feb.1998),
producing & editing the IN&OUT Guide (cultural section) until 2008.

human website v.2000 // we all come from nothing.


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